GCL Vision - Face shields
Face Shield GCL Vision is a reaction to Covid-19 emergency.
Supported by the Luxemburgish Goverment, we are very proud to produce them in the country.
At the beginning of the pandemic, we decided to do our part to participate to the social effort.
It was with great reactivity and involvement from all of GCL Technologies employees, that we started to design, create, assemble and hand over Face Shields to frontline workers.
Shields are now commercialised but of course, we continue responding to demands of not-for-profit organisations.
Contact us if you are interested to buy them or distribute them
We produce them in accordance with the requirements of the European Union.
CE marking and conformity:
Faceshields GCL Vision ONE are CE marked and available in 2 sizes :
Vision ONE size M/L 250
Vision ONE size S/M 250 S
The certification body is : SATRA (UK)
Certificate number 2777/18652-01E/00-00
If you bought a Faceshield GCL Vision ONE, you can download the Declaration of conformity here
or obtain the certification on request at à gcltech@gcltechnologies.lu